Friday, May 16, 2008

Night Owl not Early Bird

Wow, can you believe it? Yes, it's true - it's 8am and I'm awake enough to compose a sentence! I saw somebody else's directions yesterday saying that in our first post, I was supposed to tell about what this 2.0 project means to me. I didn't find those directions for myself, but here goes anyhow...

This cheese-approved exercise into the Web 2.0 means that I get to (or in this have to in a given time) experiment with platforms of the internet that were not always even allowed on our LAN. I'm looking forward to being able to help patrons that need help using these platforms. For them, it's hit or miss, some of us (the Reference Department staff) are techy and some aren't, and some are more willing to experiment. Time is always a crunch. I'd dare say that most of the time, we cannot afford desk time to help patrons figure out all their internet snafus. RATS is always helpful. I have read a few blogs, but only the ones that I've come across while internet searching.

Anyone else reading this, I have a few words to the wise. Please be careful how much and what kind of personal information that put out on the web. I do genealogy, and have found father bragging on their elementary school kids, by personal name and school name, and with snapshots. Please consider the safety of yourself, and other, while you blog.

Wow, I can even be serious this early in the a.m. Scary, huh? But the librarian in me kicked-in big-time. Have a wonderful day. Go out and make a difference!

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